Both albums by those crazy Berliners on one CD. Passion and fury driven "archaic" hardcore. Black Flag and Los Crudos are the hints here, but their mu
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(edytuj w module Customer Reassurance)
Both albums by those crazy Berliners on one CD. Passion and fury driven "archaic" hardcore. Black Flag and Los Crudos are the hints here, but their music is much more varied - they seem to have listened to a lot of good stuff over the years. And they are an incredible live act! Asian tour planned for summer 2011. Watch out!
Their own words:
"FAMILY MAN have been formed after I listened to a lot of post-My War Black Flag and wondered why there are no bands playing the slower and heavier brand of hardcore punk. We had just split up with my former band ALLIANCE, and I had moved to Glasgow where I started ATOMGEVITTER. Then I moved back to Berlin and asked Machine (the bassist in ALLIANCE) to start a new band. Michael Lampert joined in on drums and Harald von der Hasenheide was recruited for bass. Originally I wanted to sing like Rollins but sounded more like Martin from LOS CRUDOS, so I was nicknamed Henry Crudos by my friend Tommy. We didn't want to repeat mistakes we did in former bands, such as dragging out the time before the first gig or the first tour, so we quickly played a first gig (with THE FIGHT), and a second one in Berlin, then went straight on tour in the UK. From then on it was as much touring as possible. We recorded our first album at the practice room, mixed it ourselves and off we went. For the second LP we wanted to save time and have better sound, so we went to Robin from THE NOW-DENIAL, who's a genius.
It took me some time to get accustomed to singing without a guitar round my neck. But there ya go...
We really enjoy playing together, and just hanging out with each other. The band's an amalgamation of influences and ideas about punk rock, and we departed from the Black Flag idea early on, but I think we created our own style. I hope it's interesting music and inspiring lyrics. I don't like to play boring rip-off shit, or listen to it."