(Jan '08; HELLSHOCK, ANATHEMA, THE SYSTEM, THE VOIDS, CINECYDE, PUNCH IN THE FACE, KYKLOOPPIEN SUKUPUUTTO; Portland gloom and doomer’s HELLSHOCK, Australia’s EDDY CURRENT SUPPRESSION RING graces us with their unique vision of rock ’n’ roll, Finland’s KYKLOOPPIEN SUKUPUUTTO explains their crazy hardcore stylings, Chicago hardcore stalwarts PUNCH IN THE FACE clarifies a few things, MARIO PANCIERA talks about 45 Revolutions—his massive discography book on early UK punk, Texas’ BASTARD SONS OF APOCALYPSE tells us the meaning behind "No Charge D-Beat Rock ’n’ Roll," SoCal’s THE VOIDS discuss their punk rock escapades, CINECYDE presents their long and adventurous history within the world of Michigan punk. In addition to these interviews we’ve included two articles written by Lance Hahn (r.i.p.) covering UK anarcho punk bands THE SYSTEM and ANATHEMA, a scene report from Ecuador, and a photo-spread covering Latinofest in Chicago.)
Data sheet
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- English