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One side is a spoken word - a rage (in English) againt the music industry and changes in the modern world. The other - minimailst electro. Both from Slovenian underground.


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In August 2011, there were some big demonstrations in England, or maybe they would be better described as riots and burglary and property destruction. Government officials and the media quickly branded all the participants as criminals. Thirteen-year-old criminals? Ha, what is that? Then come smart people from universities who write essays about these riots which have none of the elements of revolution, because they have no present ideology. If those professors are so clever that they can accuse and abuse everyone who is outside the current political power structure, then people can also ruin stuff without any reason. But there is yet another catch. Why don't we think about revolutions in the past? Why did they happen? They happened because some people had more goods than others, with most of the population starving, while few others drank from golden goblets. And revolutions never happen unless someone finances them, someone organises them and someone leads them. It is very simple, to just get goods from those who have them, because otherwise we could not survive anymore, somebody has to say this. But if somebody tells the point to the others, then they can also tell them the missing points, fake reasons. Why the hell do people need ideology, just take goods and go! Why bother with some stupid questions? 

My grandmother always told me that revolutions and wars, which is the same fucking thing, happen because there's too much population and cleaning is needed every century or so. But who is the cleaner? Who pushes these things to the edge? 

They call them criminals

Yes. Maybe there is some truth in this, too. Why not? In every crowd there is some percentage of this and that. I believe there were also some criminals involved, for sure. But that gives us just another point of wiev. Criminals have changed in the last 20 years; big changes have happened. Technology and science have changed both the criminal and violence. Different people became criminals, often highly educated people instead of thugs. So it is quite possible that some old-fashioned criminals were involved in the riots, because they are panicky and stay out of real business these days. Before, the tool used on someone to do something was violence, while now it is intellectual force which does the violence and puts pressure on the people who just want to get money, influence, and maybe a good brand name in order to become independent. Those educated people are all sociologists and other similar so-called scientiests, or computer and other nano gano pfard tehnology workers. These are modern executors in the name of the one and only power. Intelectuals lie to the masses and take media places before some real rebels come and say something true, they're making theories about this and that, just to kick some sand into our eyes. Those theories are paid for by the one and only power and even this is good enough evidence of their self corruption. They always start newer and newer civil movement projects just because they can recruit new generations with something to say; they recruit young intellectuals and make them blind. You can easily manipulate educated poeple, it is much harder to manipulate someone who does not know how to write or read. These manipulators using computer and other modern tehnology can come into your home and into your head without even touching you, without even knowing you, or meeting you. It is an impersonal computer game. So old criminals are not useful for dirty jobs anymore. 

They call them criminals

We hear on TV that just youngsters are doing all the rioting. This is just funny. In Europe, a lot of public money goes to the youth centers. Those youth centers are nice concepts on paper, where they claim they work in public interest, with worthy goals such as minimizing social diferences, giving youngsters some nice activities, educating them, cultivating and socialising them and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on ... But all we get out of this is a waste of public money for some rooms where noone is welcome, for some professional employees—a usually people who have connections and have no skills and no interest in the job, and in many cases just the grown-up children of local big-shots, children who are not able to do anything else, stupid local shit 30-year-old children. It would be good if they would work towards their ends, but no these youth centers do not do what they proclaim themselves to do on paper. No. They do things opposite from supporting the local society. They cause damage. Everywhere they start a youth center, there will be no music scene, no other things. Leaders of youth centers seem to be trained to ruin everything. Maybe they are paid for that mission. You never know. Millions of Euros are put into youth centers. They have all the new buildings, new shiny furniture, offices, and so on and so on and so on... It becomes so absurd, that in small local cities you can see shiny new youth center being built while public medical facilities are located in a shabby old house full of rats, or just being urgently renovated, or you go and donate your blood so you can pretend you're on some war front somewhere. No one says a thing, no journalists write even a word about that. Nothing. How is this possible?

Then they call them criminals

Also some clever heads told us that the riots in UK and Greece and elsewhere in Europe have no connection with the changing of presidents in some Arabic and African coutries. They do not change regimes, they just change persons who they were looking at for too long a time. And then they want to convience us on TV that this has no conecction. There is a connection. The first one is that both events happened in the same summer of the same year; the second is that both news were emitted from the same TV show at dinner time. It is easy enough to understand that the poorest part of population was not involved in the riots. They are more clever than that, you cannot convince them so quickly and easily. Or what. 

They call them criminals


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