Two groups not only having in common the names of the cities -Lublin/Dublin, but also sharing similar attitude towards punk rock. DIY, politically and
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Two groups not only having in common the names of the cities -Lublin/Dublin, but also sharing similar attitude towards punk rock. DIY, politically and socially outspoken - these are the points of convergence for both bands. Recorded after a tour in Poland played together by both bands. Musically - Silence is a heavy and dark hardcore punk with depressive and at times angry lyrics. These lads were influenced by the likes of Madame Germen, From Ashes Rise or His Hero is Gone. Easpa Measa play dark melodic crust with female/male vocals influenced by Jobbycrust and Thin Lizzy Lyrically they do not avoid difficult social issues and do not forget where they are coming from. But this record is not only music or the message - it is also a testimony. That DIY hardcore punk is really a community, a network of friends beyond political borders and boundaries. This record would not have happened if it hadn't been for the beer, food, squatted floors slept on, silly jokes shared together by Polish and Irish punks somewhere in Poland and Czech Republic in May 2005. This record may not change the world but it is still a definite 'fuck you' to all the forces trying to hinder our punk rock lifestyle.
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