
ULICA "Ulica" LP

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ULICA was the band that started in 1988, surrounded by a crew of teenage (mostly) punx that started to change reality around themselves. The network was built, zines edited, tapes and records released in the years to come. Without ULICA there would be no NNNW.
This release is a tribute to our history. The LP contains 15 tracks - mostly 1994 cassette tracks. The CD includes much more (26 tracks in total) - documenting different stages of the band. 4 tracks were recorded by czosnEk - their band where 2 Ulica members continued their journey, none of these tracks had appeared on CD before.
Massive booklet contains refreshed and rebuilt artwork, stories, photos and lyrics.
When we started writingtexts for the booklet, we realised no packaging can fit it.
Almost 300 pages book comes out, bringing the spirit of creating diy punk scene in 1990s.

The LP includes huge poster with artwork by the band's friend, a piece of undisputable punk class art.

Another inlay contains lyrics translations - outstanding lyrics were a trademark of this band.

Hello naive sucker!
That's how we started the introduction to the cassette release of bad quality live recordings of the band called ULICA (The Street). It seemed they had split up and no better recordings existed back in 1990. In fact we decided to put out the cassette „Bułka z serem” („Cheese sandwich” - that was a referrence to lyrics of one of their songs) in 1993, when NNNW had already had about 10 releases. It was sold for a production cost basically. Some of the tracks appeared before on „Między rzeźnią, a kościołem” tape (Between the slaughterhouse and the church), which was a home-copied benefit release for a Polish independent green anarchist magazine „Green Brigades”.
Surprisingly enough, the band that had created a crowd of 30-40 people working together, reformed and soon recorded their only studio album, that was released on s/t cassette in 1994.
Until 1996, when they split up for good, they played a few tours, tens of concerts and never made their later material into a real album.
Kaz, the guitar player and singer in their final line up, started CZOSNEK (Garlic) and recorded a few Ulica tracks on their first demo „Gloomy stories of struggle against life stabilisation”. Soon he decided to leave the band and was replaced by... Krzyś (Ulica bass player) who took guitar duties. Second CZOSNEK album („Illegal pornography with abuse of children, animals and plants”) contained another ULICA track. They are all part of this CD.
The final, crap quality live version of song „Prawo” (Law) performed during their tour with Oi Polloi and Konstrukt (somewhere in Austria) is the only existing recording of this piece.
Why had we decided to publish such a chaotic mix? We'd like to document that part of life of all individuals invoved. Apart from band members there was a huge crew of people helping the band in numerous ways, hanging out, travelling to shows. Soon, they started their own zines, record labels, became artists, writers. And many of them are still friends. Some of them are dead.
All of them are remembered!

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