First attempt to document 80s Hungarian diy punk scene on vinyl.
red vinyl + fanzine (in Hungarian)
The bands include:
- T’34 /Budapest 1982/
- Der Trottel / Budapest 1982/
- Auróra /Győr 1984/
- Marina Revue / Budapest 1985/
- Koordináció B / Miskolc 1982/
- Biztonsági Tanács /Eger 1986/
- Invázió 84 /Budapest 1982/
- Tizedes Meg a Többiek / Budapest 1985/
Cover art was made in the 80’s by the Group Inconnu, hungarian political art group from the Democratic Opposition from Budapest.
Some information about the bands:
1st generation Budapest punks. The singer was one of the first punks dissident /to Schwitzerland/ in 1983. On bass Boli, later drummer in Marina Revue and percussionist of VHK. unreleased
Invazió 84
Budapest punx formed ont he ruins of one of the first punk band Commando. Unreleased
Koordináció B.
– from Miskolc. Punks in the hungarian coutryside had much harder times than their fellows in Budapest. Unreleased
Biztonsági Tanács
– Eger Band of Mihály Juhász, legendary person from Eger, Vitamine fanzine and the Eger ’Más „ alternative club – released
on Pajtás Daloljunk tape by Trottel distribution 1986
Der Trottel
First line up first concert of Trottel. This line up splitted up after the drummer escaped to Austria Traiskirchen refugee lager than to Australia in 1983 – unreleased
Marina Revue
The first so called hardcore band from Budapest. Formed by Trottel members after their drummer left the country. Published on tape by Trottel Records 1994.
– the legendary Auróra from Győr, one of Hungary s most polular punk band still with their first crazy female singer. – released by Trottel records on Pajtas Daloljunk compilation in 1985
Tizedes Meg a Többiek
– Budapest; One of the oldest local band. In this line up from 85, with former singer of Marina Revue and drummer of T’34