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Psychedelic noise punk band existing for almost 20 years. Unique, powerful, clever. Guest appearance by drummer of legendary KRYZYS (1st Polish punk band to release a record in early 80s).
Maximumrocknroll #319 review:
"Leaning heavily on the Polish bent towards the avantgarde, long-running Warsaw band IL-62's first CD-twenty years in the making!-has the same kind of moody, dark, layered soundscapes as, say, KRYZYS or P.C.S.D., but takes things in a tad more trippy direction with trance music influences, a rapid-fire neo-rapping quality to the vocals, bongos, sitars, digeridoo, and...wait ...don't leave... it's cool! Seriously! You either love the wild left-field experimentation of the Polish Punk scene ...or are just baffled by it. There's neat poetic and political lyrics shouted out by raspy vocals with some superb moments but less of a hardcore or brutal edge and more cacophony to the music overall, which makes for a mixed, meandering journey opposed to a concise impact. However, it's a fun place to wander around in for almost an hour, as the fourteen tracks walk on the long side. For the adventurous, see you there!"
From the band website:
The IŁ-62 band was formed in the mid’80’s in Warsaw. They are one of the bands which incessantly act in Warsaw underground till nowadays. They have been playing in the same (but now even bigger) line-up since they set up the band. Their music is a combination of hard-core/punk rage, dirty and noisy fascination of form, trance and sound expression.
In 2008 they released official album called ,,Opuszczamy Babilon” which was their first CD full album. It was released by Nikt Nic Nie Wie. The album is outstanding mixture of roots-psychedelic, hardcore-punk-noise sounds with reference to trance, Kryzys and Ginsberg...Among invited guests you can hear Maciej Magura Góraski (Kryzys, Bakszysz) along with the rising star of the independent scene, 3 years old Dharma.
At the beginning of 21st century band tracks (recordings) were represented at few compilations e.g. "Nie ma zagrożenia, jest Dezerter" (2005), "Radio Lampa" (Lampa nr 12, 2004) and "Dolina Lalek - Tribute To Kryzys vol.1" (2003).
The band performed during Zielony Festival(1998) and played with well-known bands like: Kult, Świetliki, Pidżama Porno, Armia, Dezerter, Brygada Kryzys, Post Regiment, NoMeansNo (Canada),Oi Polloi (England), Maxa i Kelnera, Ewa Braun, Apatia, Alians, Guernica YLuno, Włochatego, Karcera, Kina (Italy), Unhinged (Belgium), Mad
Rats(Portugal), Time X (Portugal), The Sorts (USA), Sisygambis (Marsylia), Aktus (Ukraine)
Sławomir Gołaszewski about the IŁ-62 band in one of author’s auditions in PR3 Polish Radio:
Although it is believed that everybody take the inspiration from what is called mass and pop culture it seems that more often it heard some music projects define its makers as a avangarde, every time the same in every generation. Musicians of IŁ-62 band grew up (just like they say about themselves) listening to the music of the Kryzys band.
This placed them in classic area. This kind of cultural heritage we called ,,tradition”. Inside this tradition AUTONOMY has her own form and autonomous figure which is above the commerce and mythology. Perception and freedom which it called ,,anarchy” is related with awareness of the MOUVMENT which seemed to be more personal than popular (demotic) and because of it has propaganda dimension.
Łukasz Walczuk (merlin.pl) about the album "Nie ma zagrożenia, jest Dezerter":
Finale of whole compilation and simultaneously the most ambitious undertaking of IŁ-62 is variation of the ,,Anarchy” and ,,Anarchist” topic. Interesting combination of both tracks and putting them to the frame of music which resemble accomplishments of Tool and Neurosis bands, makes a huge impression, underlining fact that the creation of Dezeter can be represent in more modern and authentic way.
Jagoda S. Frycz (Teraz Rock nr 12/2003) about the „Dolina Lalek - Tribute To Kryzys vol.1" album:
As usual, covers can be bitten for a different way.(...)It is possible-and that’s the best approach – to keep composition’s spirit, giving impress of own style.
That’s what Alians did with Ambicja wind section,IŁ-62 go up at the new level Armageddon (this vocal line)Happy Pills with remarkable, cosy version ,,Telewizja” or ,,Ssaki” handle with ,,Malymi Psami”.