"This Polish band incorporates TRAGEDY / HIS HERO IS GONE-style low-end plunging and modern new-school hardcore elements--stop 'n' start from slow pac
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"This Polish band incorporates TRAGEDY / HIS HERO IS GONE-style low-end plunging and modern new-school hardcore elements--stop 'n' start from slow pace into full-throttle speed to quiet interludes. It's all delivered with precision and is somewhat similar to BURST with darker, crusty-tinged overtones from the distortion-laden tooth of the recording. Hoarsely spewed vocals with bleak lyrics in English underline the dark overtones of guitar work that drives the songs, progressively leading through long, multi-part compositions, while the transitions from fast blasting to expansive low-end plodding to quiet emo-ish melodic interludes serve the dark, poetic, personal lyrics. Layout is similar to a CREATION IS CRUCIFIXION record--computerized fonts at angles in a minimal grayscale composition. Solid. (KS)" (Maximumrocknroll #311)